Thursday, August 6, 2015



For those of you that are not familiar with this term lemme break it down for you:
I was this way before I got pregnant just ask baby daddy!! It is at an all time high!! Or I am at an all time low really I should be embarrassed for the way I act (when it comes to food) but I'm not. There is no shame with me giving puppy dog eyes for a cookie. Just give the pregnant chick food trust me it is easier then receiving the laser eyes of death!!  

Let me start off saying that baby daddy was going to fix this Fantastic dinner!! My mouth was watering from the moment he sent me the text!! 

Well we both work in the car business so we have super L O N G H O U R S!!! So he ending up having to work late and asked if he could bring home food, this was at 7:48pm.  So I texted my ordered for  Mc Donalds yes, I know don't judge sometimes you just cave in for the cravings. I am telling you the struggle is so real!!! REAL I tell you!! I get a call at 9:15 pm saying I have ran out of gas!! What!!! You've ran out of gas seriously!! I just want my FOOD please tell me this is a JOKE by this time I would cut someone for SOME of those salty hot french fries!!
See that 9:27pm this is me waiting for him to run into Wal-Mart and get the gas can. Mind you my McDonalds is getting cold! Ain't nobody got time for cold french fries!!
 It's a good thing he's so pretty!!! At this point and time I am past the HANGRY stage we mentioned earlier. Seriously, all I can think about are those damn McDonald french fries. I know they are now a soggy cold mess!! But how can I bitch because it was so sweet of him to pick it up for me so I would not have to leave the house. But really all I can think is those hot  golden delicious french fries are now just limp soggy noodles!! 

Wahahahaa!!! Why!! Why me!!! I am not one of those glowing pregnant chicks once the sun goes down. I am more of the spawn of Satan as you can tell from the above picture. Glamorous I tell you!! 
This is us one street away from our house!!!!
Let me tell you even though they were cold soggy limp noodle french fries I ate every single one of them!! And it's hard to bitch at baby daddy when I know he's had a long day at work. So I thanked him last night and bitched this morning!! Hehe not to much it was more of giving him a hard time! Moral of this story is, if you are going to get a pregnant lady some food make sure you have enough gas to get you there and back or you could walk away missing a body part!!

1 comment:

  1. I am eternally grateful for Jared! We will get him a nice shiny medal to wear around.
