Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Boobs are Belly

Good Saturday Morning!!! (Well you can see when I started the blog) Good Tuesday Afternoon!!

I have not been feeling to witty lately!! Just sickly!! Grrr.....where is the LIGHT!!!

Exciting news my first doctor visit is Thursday. Can I get a yay!!! I get to find out how many mini humans I have been growing. At this point I am going in with the thought of I am having twins again. I am big for 10 weeks BIG I tell you!!
This is me at 9 weeks! I feel Huge it does not help when you are a little shorty.

Let's see could there possibly one perk I have found in the 10 weeks that I have been pregnant. Boobs!! Hahaha........no not really but I'm pretty sure baby daddy would jump for glee at the rate these things are growing (he is all male so of course he is enjoying them) Me ugh no!! Let me just tell you something!! I think I need those baby mittens to keep on my hands!! When they grow they Itch so so BAD!!! Seriously, I did not remember this part from 16 years ago.
But I pretty sure if he knew how much it cost to contains these growing boobs he would not be jumping so high.

 Between the belly and the boobs nothing fits. Let's just face the facts buying maternity clothes SUCK!!!! I mean seriously!!
These pants are oh so sexy. I thought I would enjoy them because they are stretchy. But NO they are hot and it just feels so strange to have that band go to my boobs. I really did not think I would be wearing maternity clothes so soon but yes it has come to the high wasted pants!!
How in the hell did moms wear the "Mom Jeans"!?!  Don't you think maternity pants and mom jeans look similar. 

But I did find this awesome website and got a great deal on maternity clothes www.thredup.com 
They have lots of pre-loved items in great condition for cheap prices!! You get an amazing deal with your first purchase. You should totally check them out!!

Well hopefully I will do a much better job at keeping the blog up. Because if I told you all the shit that goes on a daily basis you probably would think this poor girl or wow she is just really full of shit!!

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