Thursday, October 29, 2015


Just call me a BIG SLACKER!! Wow I can't believe that it's been so long since I've blogged.

Well I can say I've been feeling so much better!! Thank you mini-human for no more feeling like I could blow chunks 24/7!! Ugh!! It's been 16 years since I was pregnant and let's just say I don't remember anything at all!! We will blame it on youth and stupidity.

So......... let me share with you the latest mini- human photo.
I can't figure out how to rotate the picture!!! Being pregnant there is not enough time in the world to make me want to sit here and figure that crap out. I have no patience at all!!
Well when we did the ultra-sound we found out the sex of the baby.
You see that lil bitty pink pumpkin.......YEP it's a GIRL!!! I had to ask the tech are you sure it's not a boy? Ummm no she is all girl!! Let's just say I need some navy bows!! I really thought I was having a little boy and started buying boy stuff. Nope it's a girl!! Hopefully she will not be to girly because I don't know what I'll do!!  She is healthy and that is what's most important. 

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