Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Teething a.k.a Pure Hell for the parents

I know I have lost all sanity in my life!! Teething is PURE HELL!! Rykie is 10 months old not a tooth in sight but the symptoms are all there fussy, screeching, explosive shit, everything in her mouths and a bat shit crazy mom. If I could give her and myself drugs I would. I don't remember my twins being this bad but that was 17 years ago and I was so young and dumb I just don't remember. 

Here she is in action!! Nothing is off limits from going in her mouth. I guess she was low on fiber so it was time for a little toilet paper snack.

Wait....what....it's been 10 months since I had a baby!

Wow it is hard to believe that I had a baby 10 months ago! Like any parent I think she is the most adorable baby ever. You know because we all think are babies are just so pretty. I ran across my blog and I was like wow I forgot you even existed. So, here is to me saying that I will try and keep up with this blog. Let's be honest I have a mobile 10 month old and she is demanding of her mothers love and attention, so I will do my best.

So, lets start off by showing you a picture of my adorable baby!!                      


So, I am a Stay at Home Mom now. Wow this is the hardest job I know I have ever had. On call 24/7 no breaks, sleepless nights and so on. If anyone ever says that's the easiest job ever!! Are you freaking serious do you have children of your own. WTF!! I seriously hate people who say this shit. I want to go live with them PRETTY PLEAAAAASE! This little lady has consumed me I have spent a total of 5 hours away from her since she has been born!! I know gross!! I don't even want to add up the hours I will probably puke!! What is sleep? What is eating a meal without little hands reaching for your plate, oh and go to the restroom by yourself!!!! I can't even pee in peace!!
                                                                    She's the Boss!!

It has been 17 years since I had a baby!! Yes, I have twins that are 17 and a 10 month old. Don't even get me started on that!! The questions I get! Was she planned, oh my God, were you on drugs? Come on people keep that shit to yourself. Yes, she was planned!!!

So, lets just face it I am not your typical mother. I am blunt, honest, will not sugar coat and cuss like a sailor!! What can I say I was in the car business for 15 years and worked around a lot of men. Bad habit I know! this kid is like a parrot she mimics everything I say and do! Let's face it she's pretty smart she was been a walker since she was 9 months old!! I know I have got to be more careful with what I say and I am working on it!! I am no Saint!!

We are in the midst of teething and she is super moody so more on that later!! I have to tend to the evil teething Rykie Roo!! Her blood curdling scream is making me bat shit crazy!! 

So, sit back and enjoy the ride of Kara and Ryker!! Let me throw in one more picture just to make sure you realize how adorably cute she is!!